Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Thirty Word Thursday's - USS North Carolina

No fine china on board the USS North Carolina. 
For those who spent WWII on this floating city, 
these trays represent the cold hard fact
 that freedom doesn't come easy.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Thirty Word Thursday - Superhero's

There are hero’s all around us, 
hidden by the mask of life, 
quietly waiting for that special moment
 when they have to save the day 
or simply make us smile.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Thirty Word Thursday's - Light of Hope

There is a place where the stained glass is cold and colorless from the inside
 when it’s dark outside, but offers a beautiful light of hope to those passing by.

P.S.  Notice on the sign - "Where God's Word Is Sweet"