Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Thirty Word Thursday's - USS North Carolina

No fine china on board the USS North Carolina. 
For those who spent WWII on this floating city, 
these trays represent the cold hard fact
 that freedom doesn't come easy.


  1. Cool picture! I wouldn't have known what I was looking at without your words, but it's a really cool perspective and a very nice tribute to those who serve our country.

  2. A fantastic reality check~ front and center awareness missed by so many.

  3. Oh my gosh, that line of trays! So many men crowded aboard in one place, no time alone just to unwind, rushed meals in an institutional atmosphere. So many thoughts evoked by this one photo/statement. Nice work!

  4. This is so moving and beautiful. I have rewritten this comment three times after losing it due to my computer malfunctioning. I come from a family of veterans of many wars. Even if I didn't I would be truly touched by this.
    highest regards, jean

  5. Wow! Very moving! Thanks for the reminder!

  6. Great photo, I like how the image of the trays are reflected in the foreground.

  7. Such moving words to go along with your photo! I really like how abstract your photo is, but with your explanation it all becomes so clear. Awesome.

  8. One one level this is a beautiful composition, the perspective, the reflection. I am picturing the brave soldiers that touched these trays, that used them to eat many many meals. This is just wonderful. Thank you for joining in the 30 Words challenge! Enjoy the day! Erin

  9. Haunting and lovely! The photo is luxurious in its abstract appeal, even though it depicts something not so opulent.
