Thursday, January 15, 2015

I Want Summer - Thirty Word Thursday

I long for the days where the 
grass is green and trees have leaves.  
Days where we can find new trails, 
with cool running streams and other 
gifts from God.


  1. I'll second that sentiment, Todd! I'm so over winter right now. Your picture reminds me of the area my dad and I used to hike in Alabama....thanks for stirring those good memories.

  2. Me too! I dream of flowing water and bright green buds around this time of year, when it is the bleakest. It is dreaming that gets me through until the snow thaws and the my hope seems to be spread thinnest. Then the ice breaks and the spring comes forth. Hurry up, Spring! Thanks for joining in the 30 Words challenge! Enjoy the day. Erin
